
Showing posts from August, 2014

Teaching and Learning with Technological Media

     Teaching and learning with technological media greatly enhances the efficiency and retention of desired skills, kno wledge and behaviors when properly utilized as a means of  facilitating the process. Technological media allows a practitioner to more effectively asses learners, quickly give feedback, tailor  a lesson to their  needs, dynamically engage learners and more effectively teach them the items students need more help on and it allows the instructor to quickly breeze by things the learners already know. From my experience, this leads to an objective increase in student content mastery and greatly eliminates downtime, busy work and disengagement. On top of this the use of adaptive curriculum further aids the instructors differentiate learning when the learner is too far behind or too ahead of the rest of the class. I have taught science for six years and from my experience, the use of media has greatly simplified my job as a teacher and transformed my role into that of a