Video Instruction

     Video instruction, in my opinion, is the best way to instruct a person, or a group of people, a particular goal or objective. When a learner watches a video for instruction, the learner’s brain is engaged in multiple ways, and therefore, elicits better learning from the student. What I learned from creating a video for instruction is that it is incredibly easy and efficient, compared to all other, single modalities of instruction available to create and it is also the most efficient means to teach goals and objectives in an asynchronous manner.

     The benefits of teaching and learning from the video modality, far outweigh the difficulties of teaching with video. The only difficult thing about designing instruction with video, is that editing can be quite laborious and it is a bit heavy, front loaded. I had over 30 minutes of video I had to chop down into approximately nine and a half minutes. Choosing the right clips and angles, with the correct transitions and audio with the appropriate effects can be quite a time consuming process at first, but as I mentioned earlier, this process is front loaded. Once you have your final product, you have a powerful medium to reach and teach not just one, or a few people, but the potential to effectively teach millions of people over the web, asynchronously!

     I have to admit that I had a great deal of fun creating a video for instruction. So much so that I didn't mind recording and editing the video to get exactly what I wanted. After creating my video, I was inspired to create many more, on topics that I am very passionate about. Learning how to maneuver Adobe Premier was a priceless experience. As an avid video learner myself, and having taught my classes with heavy doses of video instruction, I knew the power and efficiency of teaching and learning with video, however prior to this I  had no clue how to edit videos.

     I am very grateful, happy and excited, that through this class I’ve learned how to create video productions for the purposes of teaching and learning. Having dealt with and having created several instructional pieces, through text, audio, visual, visual/audio and now video, I can confidently say that hands down, teaching and learning with video instruction is the best and most efficient way! Not only is the process more fun, but it also have a lot of flexibility and leeway, with how the instruction can be created and disseminated. Creating a video for instruction was a great and fun learning experience and I can’t wait to use this more often!
