Multi-Modal and Web Based Instruction

Designing and creating web-based, multi-media instruction is quite fun, but very laborious. Planning and designing ways to present instructions utilizing text, audio, visuals and video- in the appropriate places takes careful consideration and it is only half the battle. Once you’ve got all the files you want to insert, then you take one daunting task of designing a web page layout, writing the HTML code for it using Dream Weaver and then checking to see if bowers actually render the layout you want.  After all the work you put in, it feels quite rewarding, given that you get what you want,  to have a web page render your instruction. I believe that this is the most powerful, convenient and far reaching method to disseminate instruction.

The Asynchronous nature of web-based instruction allows the ultimate freedom, accessibility and flexibility for learners to learn at their own pace- despite geographic location, or distance from the actual instruction. Learners are able to visit a website, read, listen and view instructions and implement those at their convenience. Multi-media instruction allows teachers and learning implementers to utilize the best of what all the single modalities of instruction have to offer. If utilized appropriately, the combination of these single modality instructions is the most powerful way to ensure that the majority of learners (Audio/visual/kinesthetic) are engaged, as multi-modal, multi-media based instruction is sure to afford learners the best learning methods that appeal to them.  

Form all the single modalities of instructing, I personally believe video instruction is the best. Compared to text, audio and visual instructions, by themselves, video presentations are superior. Video allows implementers to utilize all of the afore mentioned, single modal methods of instruction, in one dynamic package. If you upload your video instruction to an existing site, say You Tube, then you can make your instruction Asynchronous as well.

The major difference between all other forms of instruction VS web based instruction is that multi-media, web based instruction allows you to do more- as far as teaching is concerned. Since the author can construct their own website, there are essentially no restrictions on what the implementer can do. If the implementer wants to use text instruction on one section, then audio in another, followed by graphics and video anywhere else, the instructor can do that by designing their own instructional web page. The implementer may deliver Asynchronous instruction via other sites, however, the instruction will be restricted by the parameters of the site itself. Creating and web page for instruction, utilizing the best of all instructional modalities is the pinnacle of teaching and learning. 
